Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day was perfect this year! I couldn't have asked for anything more (except that Niki, who had to work, could have joined us).

Larry, Bryson and I spent time together before church doing our family council and weekly calendaring session. Larry also gave me a mini pedicure. Normally this isn't something we would do on a Sunday, but it was a sweet treat today!

Church was lovely, the Spirit was present. Sacrament meeting was packed because David Guzman was giving his last talk prior to leaving on his mission. The Bishopric gave all the sisters in the ward some chocolate turtles - absolutely delicious!!

After church Dustin, Chris and Bri and, of course, Larry, Bryson and I, spent the evening together. We barbequed pork chops, steak and halibut for me. It was the first time Larry had ever bbq'd halibut, and he got it exactly right! He also made me a beautiful and yummy fresh fruit salsa to go over it. He ended up making a 2nd batch because the red pepper flakes in the first batch made it just a bit too spicy for me (as in flames were shooting from my ears - hahaha). The 2nd batch was just right! We also bbq'd fresh pineapple. (I wish we had taken a picture! I've lost my camera (so sad about that) and so I don't think about pictures as readily now.)

The weather was sunny and calm. We ate on the deck with the umbrella up. What a treat!

Afterwards we opened gifts - a dozen red roses (wish I had a picture again - sigh), a gift card to Deseret Book and a dvd "Phantom of the Opera".

For Home Evening, we asked Chris and Bri to choose a question from the journal jar, and we took turns answering it. The question was, "When, where and how did you learn to drive? Share any driving related stories you might have." That was a lot of fun.

Then we played "Ticket to Ride", a board game, and ate New York cheesecake with fresh strawberries and sauce. I had the longest train in the game, but Larry completed the most trips, so he won.

Spending time together was the best gift of all. I love my talented, beautiful family! Thanks for creating the "Perfect Mother's Day" for me!

1 comment:

We Rock Well said...

Happy Mother's Day! (waaaay late)I'm so glad you were spoiled, you certainly deserve it! I wanted to tell you how much I love you and honestly consider you to be my ward mommy. You've helped me through some hard times and I just love you!